kinky_carter Feb 23, 2010 08:55
john sheppard, torri, john/elizabeth, cordelia chase, gwen/jack, the x-files, owen/tosh, rose tyler, xena warrior princess, jim/pam, house, harry potter, gabrielle, twilight, charmed, torchwood, edward/bella, doctor who, the l word, elizabeth weir, xena/gabrielle, buffy the vampire slayer, dana/alice, stargate, elliot/olivia, shippings, harry/hermione, cole/phoebe, sparky, house/cameron, gwen cooper, booth/brennan, supernatural, john barrowman, castle/beckett, bones, the office, dean/sam, angel/cordelia, peter/claire, law and order svu, doctor/rose, heroes, angel, shweir, mulder/scully, torri higginson, fanvid, stargate atlantis
kinky_carter May 03, 2007 23:01
luka/abby, the office, scrubs, er, luby
kinky_carter Feb 23, 2007 22:40
the office, luby, heroes, law and order svu, luka/abby, er, marua tierney, shippings